Nearly £542k payout for customers wrongfully forced into prepayment meters

Ofgem’s review reveals more than £500k in compensation for customers who had unauthorised prepayment meters installed between January 2022 and January 2023

Think tank proposes redirecting pensioner energy subsidies

The Social Market Foundation suggests scrapping universal energy subsidies for pensioners in favour of expanding the Warm Homes Discount scheme to support more households

Ofgem: Supplier customer service satisfaction drops

Ofgem’s survey reveals Octopus as top-rated provider with 84% satisfaction, while EDF Energy, OVO Energy and ScottishPower fall below average

Energy boss calls for ban on outdated prepayment meters

Utilita Energy’s Chief Executive Officer urges for a ban on 1970s prepayment meters, citing their detrimental impact on millions of vulnerable households despite a decade of warnings

UK heat policy risks increased gas imports

Scrapping the Clean Heat Market Mechanism could increase UK gas demand by 70TWh in 2035, risking a 19% rise in gas imports, according to a report

Industry reacts: Relief over energy price cap, challenges remain

Responses from industry leaders to Ofgem’s new energy price cap highlight the relief felt by consumers, yet underscore ongoing challenges with inflated energy costs and growing debt

Nearly 5.3m in UK homes in debt to energy suppliers

More than five million people currently live in households in debt to their supplier, with more than two million expected to self disconnect this winter, according to a report

Nearly 2m Brits facing winter without gas and electricity

National Energy Action has highlighted the dangers of underheated homes, emphasizing the risks faced by prepayment meter customers, who have been hit hard by soaring energy bills

Energy industry responds to forced prepayment meter restart

The energy sector reacts to Ofgem’s decision to allow the restart of forced prepayment meter installations

‘PPM self-disconnections soar 657%’

Self-disconnections from prepayment meters spike 657%, reaching nearly 22,000 cases, reports Citizens Advice