Coal gas- a future fuel, again?

The Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change has said that the potential of coal gasification has potential for future use. Charles Hendry MP said: “The potential of underground […]

The Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change has said that the potential of coal gasification has potential for future use.

Charles Hendry MP said: “The potential of underground coal gasification is recognised and it could make an important contribution in future, but the technology for UGC is still in its early stages.”

Coal gas was traditionally used as a source of energy for lighting and heat before the mass-production of natural gas. The process produces a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, carbon dioxideand water vapour and is a combustible gas.

Mr Hendry added: “As the freehold owner of the coal resource, our non-departmental public body, the Coal Authority, has lead responsibility with respect to the licensing of potential UGC projects. Along with the authority we continue to monitor developments in the sector.”

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