‘Electrification of transport could be the real elephant in the room’

That’s the suggestion from Nigel Holden, the boss of Co-op Power who spoke to FNZ Founder Sumit Bose, about the real challenges of a post-Covid-19 net zero journey

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The electrification of transport and the delivery of supplies could be the real elephant in the room, as it will require significant infrastructure support.

That’s the suggestion from Nigel Holden, the Head of Co-op Power, who spoke to FNZ Founder Sumit Bose about the real challenges of a post-Covid-19 net zero journey.

He adds: “The digitalisation, the electrification of supply chain delivery and the transparency in the data going forward could become top priorities of the new carbon-free era.

“We used to use about 1.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide within our own operations we’ve halved that. And we’ve committed to halving that again by 2025. Climate change emissions associated with our supply chain is probably ten times that.”

Watch the full video interview on our sister platform, future Net Zero.

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