James Evans is an independent compliance & regulations consultant with 15 years’ experience in energy. He has worked closely with Ofgem, most recently on the design of market-wide HH Settlement, and BEIS on policy and compliance matters and supported new market entrants on licensing, accreditation and smart metering. He has worked for suppliers Ecotricity, British Energy & Just Energy and solution providers, Utiligroup, EDW & ENSEK.

James has provided advice to software providers to deliver solutions that comply with the energy retail rules. He has also reviewed suppliers’ and agents’ policies and processes to provide assurance on regulatory fit and to support CIO audits for smart metering. As a member of PAB & SVG, James has an in-depth understanding of registration, metering and settlement processes and how to optimise operations to align customer billing with the costs of supply.

James has been an Associate of The Utility Market Experts (a working community of accessible independent industry experts) since August 2019.

If you would like to schedule a free online consultation with James, contact Kamile Baranauskaite.

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