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Flexible friends in demand!

National Grid has procured more than 18GWhr worth of flexibility assets

The grid has announced more than 500 sites for flexibility services worth 1 GWh of immediate use.

In total National Grid Distribution System Operator (NGDSO) has awarded flexibility trades across 525 locations in the South West, Wales and the Midlands, procuring more than 18GWh of availability.

Increased competition in these types of local flexibility markets, (which incentivise users to cut use or increase or decrease generation), delivers significant savings to the overall cost of the energy system – which in turn can be shared with bill payers.

Cathy McClay, Distribution System Operator Managing Director, said, “The results of this trade round demonstrate we are building a growing flexibility market that is accessible, attractive and fit for the future.

“We’ve seen the number of flexible assets available to us double in the last year to more than 154,000. This has increased competition in our markets and resulted in awarded prices 30% lower than our maximum rate.

“Asset growth has been driven by the improved digital registration methods we’ve introduced which have enabled large volumes of domestic low carbon technologies access to our markets, such as electric vehicle charging points, heat pumps and batteries.

“This helps deliver more flexibility, with a lower carbon impact than supporting system peaks with gas or diesel generation. Across the trades we awarded, 92% of the volumes accepted were from such assets.”

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