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Energy firm offers shares for locals

Croydon’s first community solar investment available this weekend

If you live in Croydon fancy owning your own energy company?

Croydon Community Energy will launch its first Solar Share Offer this weekend, aiming to raise between £120,000 and £340,000 over three months.

The funds will support solar power installations at Archbishop Tenison’s CofE School, Holy Innocents Church and Shree Swaminarayan Temple.

This initiative offers residents the chance to combat climate change following Croydon Council’s 2019 climate emergency declaration. The installations are expected to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and provide significant energy savings for the community buildings involved.

Connie Duxbury, founder of Croydon Community Energy said: “We see so much potential for Croydon’s collaborative spirit to enable significant positive environmental impact in the area. Given there are an estimated 20,000 community buildings in London, we hope our borough can inspire surrounding areas to embrace community energy proudly.’’

It’s not just community buildings that benefit from this initiative. Investors are expected to receive up to 5% interest, with the surplus invested in the local area to support community gardens, alleviate fuel poverty and support vital services. 

If you live in Croydon and want to know more RSVP here. 

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