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SSEN to train staff in pet-friendly services to improve safety for all

A network operator is training staff how to deal with pets.

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution, says unexpected visits can sometimes cause anxiety for pets and their owners, so it’s setting out pet-friendly measures to ensure safety and comfort during home visits.

SSEN’s engineers and customer-facing colleagues will now be taking extra steps when working in homes and businesses with pets. These include approaching pets calmly, avoiding sudden movements and minimising direct engagement unless invited, to prevent any stress or discomfort.

Barry Eggleton, SSEN’s Occupational Health and Safety Manager, explains: “At SSEN we know pets are part of the family, because so many of us are pet owners ourselves and we want to make sure that we respect their territory and don’t cause any stress for them during times when our engineers, or customer advisors might need to be in homes or gardens to carry out work.”

SSEN wants customers to help by placing pets in a separate room or safe area during visits, communicating any concerns about their pets – and keeping treats or toys nearby to help keep pets calm.

Customers are also asked to avoid allowing pets to greet visitors directly, even if they are friendly.

Small numbers of utility workers are bitten by pets every year.

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