Energy MarketsIndustry News

What role do carbon credits have to play in sustainability strategies?

Carbon credits are certificates representing the permanent removal of one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (CO2e) from the atmosphere, or a reduction in CO2e emissions by the same amount

Buying carbon credits on the Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) – and following VCM Integrity Initiative (VCMI) guidance on how to use such credits – can contribute to achieving your sustainability targets. This is true even if your organisation – and its supply chain – still has hard-to-abate emissions (e.g. from manufacturing processes, such as making cement).

What’s best practice?

Your organisation needs to measure, then try to continue reducing as far as possible, the volume of your emissions. You can read about the UN’s ‘Race to Zero’ initiative and its guidance on emissions reduction targets here.

Alongside this ongoing process, many businesses may also choose to address remaining emissions by buying and retiring carbon credits. Choosing an appropriate ‘claims framework’ such as VCMI helps companies talk about their actions and impacts in an accurate and compliant way.

Read more about the role carbon credits play in sustainability strategies

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