Warmer homes, lower bills: government cracks down on cold, costly rentals
New rules will force landlords to improve energy efficiency, saving renters hundreds per year
New rules will force landlords to improve energy efficiency, saving renters hundreds per year
British Gas has joined a consortium to retrofit 1,000 social homes, aiming to lower costs and…
A charity advises tenants on how to identify signs of energy theft by landlords, including…
A trade body has urged the government to provide financial support for landlords to meet new…
A new report emphasises the risk of poorer households paying £480 more annually for energy
Majority of landlords are in favour of raising the minimum energy efficiency standard on rental…
Energy Minister Greg Hands has urged landlords to do so amid concerns some tenants on…
Energy Minister has called on landlords to consider not pocketing the money
The risk disproportionately affects people on low incomes, young people and people of colour, a…
Local authorities across England and Wales can bid for up to £100,000 to enforce the current…
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