Insufficient environment info to vote pro or against Brexit

A majority of sustainability professionals believe voters don’t have enough information on the environment to vote pro or against Brexit. Around 86% believe the Vote Leave and Vote Remain campaigns […]

A majority of sustainability professionals believe voters don’t have enough information on the environment to vote pro or against Brexit.

Around 86% believe the Vote Leave and Vote Remain campaigns have “poorly” addressed environment and sustainability issues ahead of the referendum on June 23rd.

That’s according the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) which surveyed more than 1,100 UK members.

Around 75% believe environmental issues will be at least of some importance in voters’ minds when they decide their vote.

According to 88% of the professionals surveyed, an EU policy approach is needed to support national legislation in addressing air pollution.

Furthermore, 67% of respondents said the UK’s transition to a circular economy will be best achieved by implementing the European Commission’s Circular Economy package of measures.

A majority – 97% – stated the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals (REACH), which addresses the production and use of chemical substances, is very effective in regulating and controlling the use of chemical substances.

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