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Derby’s energy efficiency project wins award

Derby Homes' initiative to improve energy efficiency in historical council properties has received an industry award

A project focused on enhancing energy efficiency in Derby’s oldest council homes has received an industry award.

Derby Homes, an Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO) overseeing Derby City Council’s housing stock, was honoured with the Best Carbon Reduction Project of the Year at the recent Building Communities Awards ceremony.

Dubbed the Allenton Cast Iron project, it aimed to address energy inefficiencies and fuel poverty in historically significant council homes constructed with cast-iron panels post-World War I.

These properties typically had low Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings, often below band D.

Funded by the government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF), the £3 million project included extensive upgrades such as external wall insulation, new windows and doors across 80 properties.

The outcome yielded warmer homes, reduced energy bills and notably decreased carbon emissions.

Estimated savings from the project amount to approximately £43,200 annually in energy bills, with an average household saving of £540.

Phase 1 alone is anticipated to mitigate 72.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions yearly.

The project’s success has led to significant improvements in EPC ratings for most properties, with many now achieving at least Band C, surpassing the government’s 2030 energy efficiency targets for social housing.

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