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UK’s battery project pipeline skyrockets by two-thirds

RenewableUK's latest report reveals a 67.4% increase in the capacity of battery projects nationwide over the past year, with a total pipeline now capable of fully charging over 2.6 million electric vehicles

RenewableUK’s latest report reveals an increase in the pipeline of battery projects across the UK.

The report indicates a 67.4% growth in battery project capacity over the past year, totalling 95.6GW.

This surge represents the second consecutive twelve-month period of such growth.

The operational capacity of battery storage has now reached 4.4GW, with an additional 4.3GW under construction.

Furthermore, 30.4GW of capacity has been consented, 26GW is in the planning system and another 30.4GW is in the early stages of development.

The average capacity of projects being submitted for planning permission has increased significantly, from 27MW in 2019 to 80MW presently.

RenewableUK’s Director of Future Electricity Systems Barnaby Wharton said: “It’s great to see that, for the second year running, the UK’s battery storage pipeline has grown by two-thirds within the space of twelve months.

“The appetite among investors to enter this rapidly-growing market remains enormous.

“Batteries have a key role to play in ensuring that electricity supply always meets demand. While there has been significant uptake in projects, we are long way from delivering the 55GW of short term flexibility by 2035 that the government says we need in its Review of Electricity Market Arrangements.

“We have the potential to move much faster by speeding up the process of consenting and connecting vital energy storage projects to the grid.”

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