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Apprentices strike gold at Buckingham Palace

UK Power Networks apprentices have received their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards at Buckingham Palace for completing various activities over 2023 and 2024

Apprentices from UK Power Networks have been awarded their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards at Buckingham Palace.

The group of 14 apprentices earned the award for 2023 and 2024 while working at the UK’s largest distribution network operator.

The apprentices, who are completing the Power Networks Crafts Person Foundation (Level 3) qualification, began their training in September 2021.

Alongside their work, they participated in the extracurricular programme required for the DofE Gold Award.

The DofE Gold Award consists of five activities: volunteering, physical, skills, expedition and residential.

The apprentices volunteered for local charities for 12 months, engaged in physical activities for 18 months, and spent 15 weeks at Bridgewater College for their residential activity.

For their skills activity, the apprentices focused on learning their trade.

The final task involved a three-part adventure, including training, a qualifier, and a final expedition in the Peak District and Mount Snowdon in Wales, where they faced challenging weather conditions.

Apprentice Joseph Davey said: “I am really proud of completing the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. It has made me more resilient to overcome challenges outside of my comfort zone.

“The most challenging part was the expedition walking over 65 miles in five days and being out in all different conditions. Now I have completed I am happy to have taken part and to have my DofE Gold Award.”

Lee Woods, engineering trainees team leader said: “This achievement not only enhances their personal growth but also bolsters their professional prospects within UK Power Networks, equipping them with essential skills such as leadership, teamwork and problem-solving that are invaluable in any career path.”

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